Core Medical Center | Blue Springs, MO

Blue Springs  >>  Missouri

Hours Thermometer


Core Medical Center

Blue Springs, MO

 Hours Donated:  25

ID: DHW128-116



About Core Medical Center:

At Core Medical Center, we know that symptoms are the body’s way of bringing attention to an underlying, often unknown or hidden health issue. Thanks to our years of training and experience, we can read these signals and use what they tell us to relieve pain and help correct damage to muscles, soft tissues, bones (including structure and alignment), and the nervous system.

We seek to restore your health without invasive surgery or expensive medications that can damage internal organs. To this end, we work to locate the source of your pain so we can treat the root cause, rather than merely mask your symptoms. As a result, you’ll receive top-notch health care without unwanted side effects.

Core Medical Center also offers our patients additional opportunities to help them achieve their overall health and wellness goals. These services include Synergy medical weight loss, iLipo laser fat reduction, and rehabilitative.

Active Member in Good Standing

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