Dr. Shawn Pallotti | King Jersey, VA

Hours Thermometer

Dr. Shawn Pallotti >> King George, VA

Dr. Shawn Pallotti

King George, VA

Hours Donated: 45


Dr. Shawn Pallotti

Whether you're looking to focus on a specific issue, suffer from a chronic condition, or are trying to optimize your health so you can attain peak physical performance, we can help you get there. At Advanced Integrative Medicine we believe in looking at the patient as a whole. We approach your health from an integrated and functional perspective, with the goal of really getting to the root of your problems. We believe that health is a collaboration between patient and provider, the product of working together, and we are here to help you reach it. We approach health through multiple modalities. We believe in offering our patients the best, whether it's through cutting-edge Stem Cell therapies, Regenerative Medicine, Chiropractic, Rehabilitation, Active Release Technique, Graston, PEMFT, Medical Cannabis Certifications or other proven techniques that enable us to address issues from multiple angles . At our practice, we have brought together professionals from varying fields and backgrounds to create a team that is well suited to thinking outside of the box. While most medical practices approach each system of the body separately, we firmly believe that they are all connected; after all, they are all contained in your body. This mindset puts us in a unique position to better help you get to the root of any problem you might be experiencing. We don't believe in just attaining symptom relief; that is temporary. Our goal is to is to find what's causing any issue, help solve it, and to ultimately maximize your health for a lifetime.

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