The Doctors for Health and Wellness is made up of doctors, health care providers and wellness leaders from a large array of health/wellness fields. Due to the diversity of our members’ backgrounds and areas of expertise, our members are sought out on a regular basis for employee proactive health lectures, ergonomics trainings, health fair presentations and employee wellness programs.
Aside from the presentations offered in our Lunch-and-Learn section of the DHW website, our members can lecture on nearly any proactive and wellness topic. Most providers have 3-4 lectures that they favor, due to their specializations. Many of the DHW members provide interactive workshops, as participation by the employees instills a deeper understand of healthly habits and pro-active wellness principles.
To schedule a lecture or workshop presentation for your company or group, simply enter in the providers ID number into the member search box and use the contact box provided there. A local DHW representative will be happy to assist in answering any questions you may have, or scheduling your lecture presentation or workshop.